Basic Ring
Item Type
Weapon and Skill Materials
Backpack Category
Development Materials
A material used to break through weapons, ascend
Resonators and upgrade skills.
Source 4
Forgery Challenge
A ring with bearable quality. Apart from helping the Exiles to recognize each other's identification, it also provides various functions such as basic communication, location services, and scanning. These features assist the Exiles to better survive in the wilderness.
Basic Ring is a Weapon and Skill Material obtainable from Exiles .
Dropped By [ ]
No Bosses drop Basic Ring
Recipe [ ]
Synthesize 1 Basic Ring
Craft Usage [ ]
No recipes use Basic Ring as an ingredient.
Ascension Usage [ ]
4 Characters use Basic Ring for ascension:
Calcharo Danjin Yangyang Yuanwu
No Weapons use Basic Ring for ascension.
Skill Leveling Usage [ ]
4 Characters use Basic Ring for leveling their Skills:
Calcharo Danjin Yangyang Yuanwu
Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishBasic Ring Chinese (S) 基准镣环 Chinese (T) 基準鐐環 Japanese普通の手かせ Korean보통 구속팔찌 FrenchAnneau simple GermanGrundlegender Ring SpanishAnillo básico
Change History [ ]
References [ ]
Navigation [ ]
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