Wuthering Waves TH Wiki

An unusual substance resembling the shape of a plant seed. If you listen carefully, you can feel a pulse-like rhythm. However, in fact, this substance is not alive, and its structure is pretty similar to that of the Tacet Core of a Howler.

Cadence Seed is a Weapon and Skill Material obtainable from Forgery Challenge: Moonlit Grooves.

Dropped By[]

No Bosses drop Cadence Seed

Craft Usage[]

No recipes use Cadence Seed as an ingredient.

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Cadence Seed for ascension. No Weapons use Cadence Seed for ascension.

Skill Leveling Usage[]

3 Characters use Cadence Seed for leveling their Skills:

JianxinAero Jianxin
LingyangGlacio Lingyang
YuanwuElectro Yuanwu

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishCadence Seed
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)声律种核
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)聲律種核
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese声律の種
Emoji KO Flag  Korean음률의 배주
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchGraine de cadence
Emoji DE Flag  GermanCadence-Samen
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishSemilla de cadencia

Change History[]

