Wuthering Waves TH Wiki

The Tacet Core of Mourning Aix, singing a never-ending elegy. Those who touch the Tacet Core will be overwhelmed by a great sense of loneliness and loss and will unconsciously shed tears. But this is not empathy, perhaps just a kind of emotional hypersensitivity.

Elegy Tacet Core is a Resonator Ascension Material obtainable from Mourning Aix.

Dropped By[]

No Bosses drop Elegy Tacet Core

Ascension Usage[]

1 Character uses Elegy Tacet Core for ascension:

VerinaSpectro Verina

No Weapons use Elegy Tacet Core for ascension.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishElegy Tacet Core
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)哀歌声核
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)哀歌聲核
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese哀歌音核
Emoji KO Flag  Korean애가의 성핵
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchNoyau de Vautour plaignant
Emoji DE Flag  GermanElegie Tacet-Kern
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishNúcleo Tácito de Elegía

Change History[]

