Wuthering Waves TH Wiki

The Gauntlet provided by the Pioneer Association for the far walkers, with bright colors, not easy to lose, hard texture can cope with various extreme environments for a long time, and is very popular among the explorer group.

Gauntlets of Voyager is a Gauntlet weapon in Wuthering Waves.

Other Languages[]

Gauntlets of Voyager

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishGauntlets of Voyager
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)航海家护手
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)航海家護手
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchGantelets du Voyageur
Emoji DE Flag  GermanPanzerhandschuhe der Voyager
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishGuanteletes de la Voyager


LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishCrusade
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)运动
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)運動
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchCroisade
Emoji DE Flag  GermanKreuzzug
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishCruzada

Change History[]

