Heterized Metallic Drip
Item Type
Weapon and Skill Materials
Backpack Category
Development Materials
A premium material used to break through weapons and upgrade skills for Sword Resonators.
Source 2
Forgery Challenge: Flaming Remenants
A special fluid metallic drip which can barely form naturally. It maintains a perpetual flow on its surface. Microscopic examinations of a few samples have revealed its intricate inner structure, resembling more of a living organism than an inorganic substance.
Heterized Metallic Drip is a Weapon and Skill Material obtainable from Synthesis .
Dropped By [ ]
No Bosses drop Heterized Metallic Drip
Recipe [ ]
Synthesize 1 Heterized Metallic Drip
Craft Usage [ ]
No recipes use Heterized Metallic Drip as an ingredient.
Ascension Usage [ ]
No Characters use Heterized Metallic Drip for ascension.
No Weapons use Heterized Metallic Drip for ascension.
Skill Leveling Usage [ ]
5 Characters use Heterized Metallic Drip for leveling their Skills:
Danjin Sanhua Yangyang Rover Rover
Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishHeterized Metallic Drip Chinese (S) 异构金属液滴 Chinese (T) 異構金屬液滴 Japanese異体金属ドロップ Korean이성질화 금속 액적 FrenchGoutte métallique hétérisée GermanHeterisierter Metallischer Tropfen SpanishGoteo metálico heterizado
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