Polarized Metallic Drip
Item Type
Weapon and Skill Materials
Backpack Category
Development Materials
An advanced material used to break through weapons and upgrade skills for Sword Resonators.
Source 2
Forgery Challenge: Flaming Remenants
A fluid metallic drip with high activity. Its surface presents an amazing luster. This polarized matter only forms under extremely strict conditions, and the scientific world has yet to fully figure out its transformation patter.
Polarized Metallic Drip is a Weapon and Skill Material obtainable from Synthesis .
Dropped By [ ]
No Bosses drop Polarized Metallic Drip
Recipe [ ]
Synthesize 1 Polarized Metallic Drip
Craft Usage [ ]
No recipes use Polarized Metallic Drip as an ingredient.
Ascension Usage [ ]
No Characters use Polarized Metallic Drip for ascension.
No Weapons use Polarized Metallic Drip for ascension.
Skill Leveling Usage [ ]
5 Characters use Polarized Metallic Drip for leveling their Skills:
Danjin Sanhua Yangyang Rover Rover
Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishPolarized Metallic Drip Chinese (S) 极化金属液滴 Chinese (T) 極化金屬液滴 Japanese極化金属ドロップ Korean분극 금속 액적 FrenchGoutte métallique polarisé GermanPolarisierter Metallischer Tropfen SpanishGoteo metálico polarizado
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